Details, we need details!

Cartoon politician only says "blah"

In our January blog, we discussed the idea that somehow just being healthier can help us avoid needing any care in our senior years. It will help, but that’s not how our aging bodies and minds work…we need HONEST conversations about how to create more supportive living and care options.

We said that in this newsletter we would invite you to contact your local MPP (or MLA, MNA, MHA) as well as the Minsters of Health so we can demand that care and planning for our elders become a priority.

Here is the contact information for our provincial ministers responsible for care and aging (as at February 1, 2022):

Here is a sample of how you might want to ask questions that hold the ministers accountable:

Dear _______________, (Provincial Health Ministers and local MPP, MLA, MNA)

While there are a lot of Health issues on the table currently, one thing that has become abundantly clear is the need for 2 major changes as regards Senior Care in Canada.

  1. A new broader strategy of living options
  2. Clear communications around what is my government’s offering and what is an individuals’ responsibility

Let’s begin by tackling the second one.

Misleading people is not acceptable. And a lie by omission is still a lie. So many Canadians are still under the impression that the government “takes care of us” in our latter years.

There are long term care facilities and there are some home care hours but in both cases, the numbers fall very short. Very short indeed.

So, we ask that you clearly define what is the maximum care provided by this province’s health care system.

Long term care: eligibility – when can you apply? When should you apply?

At home care – most governments are touting the joys of at home care…but people are surprised by how little is actually offered…and then, they are shocked by the cost of the private care that is needed to support them properly.

We think it would be extremely valuable and brave of governments to be transparent with their citizens so they can plan for the years when they will require some extra help.

As things stand now, people wait for a crisis to react. That is why acute care and transition hospitals are so overcrowded. They are literally waiting for others to die while they die waiting. No wonder people are terrified of growing old.

How about governments treat the senior Canadian adults – who have been loyal voters – with the honesty they deserve?

How about you tell them the truth?


__________________Provincial Riding

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