Getting high on knowledge.


I recently participated in a “Green + Silver” conference for seniors hosted by Business of Cannabis. The whole day was dedicated to discussing the issues of medical and recreational cannabis as related directly to seniors.

The audience heard from GrowWise, WeedMD and the advocacy group Canadians for Fair Access to Medical Marijuana (CFAMM). GrowWise and WeedMD are companies focused on medical marijuana, as is CFAMM.

The best advice I heard all day was talk to your doctor – if you are taking other prescription drugs it is of vital importance to discuss the use of cannabis. If you are wanting to try medical marijuana, talk to your doctor – if you don’t get the answers you are looking for, check out GrowWise or WeedMD. They can at least get you answers and point you in the right direction.

Here is what I learned from the day:

  • Licensed Producers or “LP’s” are also good places to get information on medical marijuana
  • Medicinal marijuana can be THC free (the molecule that causes the “high” or intoxicating effect) and only contain CBD (cannabinoid) OR it can contain a combination of both
  • THC and CBD are the two molecules of marijuana that we know the most about and know the most about how they affect the body
  • Go Low, Go Slow – advice for anyone trying medical marijuana for the first time – low doses and low frequency until you and your doctor understand the effect it is having on your symptoms and with other medicine you are taking
  • Talking to your doctor helps them better understand the use and effects of medicinal marijuana
  • There are still not enough studies on the medical effects of marijuana especially the contra indications with other prescription drugs
  • Your doctor may not be as up to speed on medicinal marijuana as you might expect

There is a lot of information and misinformation out there – keep learning, keep asking questions and be your own best advocate for what you need.

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